NEW! Knotted Bead Necklace
I have loved this simple but elegant design for many years. After making one close to 20 years back I still wear it often! This necklace lays so softly around your neck you forget it is even there. Perfect for summer!
Choose from many colors of rondelle and fire polished beads as well as different color cording.
Please allow about 2 hours for this class. I can an almost unlimited number of participants so get your group together and LMK when you want to come in!
If it's "just you" no worries - give me some dates that are about 3 weeks out, I'll get you scheduled and follow it up with some advertising on my social media to get the class filled.
No previous jewelry making experience is necessary. Ages 12 and above please. 18 and under need to be accompanied by an adult.

NEW! Adjustable Necklace - Beads & Leather
Elegant but oh so easy to make! After choosing from many beads I will teach you how to create those tiny little knots - like the ones you see in fine strand of pearls. Your finished necklace is adjustable too!
Class price varies based on the beads you choose - you can even use pearls if you want!
No previous jewelry making experience is necessary. Ages 12 and above please. 18 and under need to be accompanied by an adult.

Multi Wrap Beaded Necklace
A VERY popular class... So many different looks are possible and each one is one of a kind because you choose all the beads! Please allow 2 hours for this project
Minimum 2 people...max 15
No previous jewelry making experience is necessary. Ages 12 and above please. 18 and under need to be accompanied by an adult.
Schedule Class